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A Fun Family "In The Box" Portrait Sitting! Lowestoft Family Photographer!

As a Lowestoft Family Photograher I get asked to give prizes to school fairs, raffles, and events quite a lot. I am always happy to get involved as it not only introduces me to a whole new group of people but also meets new families that I may not have.

I was really happy when I was asked to donate something to Grace's school Christmas Fair... and the family that won just happened to be in Grace's class!

I had the pleasure of welcoming Brooke-Leigh, Dexter, George, Amber & Molly to the studio with their grown ups and I knew straight away that we were in for a fun afternoon. I know Brook-Leigh as I have photographed her in the box before and as she is in Grace's class she is comfortable with me.. That always makes it easier when one of the kids in a group can take the lead and show the others that it all good! Brooke-Leigh lead the way and was eager to show her cousins how everything went!

With so many children involved there was no end of pose opportunities!

The "In The Box" Portrait sittings can look like a whole lot of chaos, which yes, they are but there is a certain amount of order to them. I have a set of basic poses that I go through which gives me a base to work with, then we just have fun. I keep taking photos as the kids play and have fun, I encourage them to think about what could look good. What can they do to make a fun photo? Unless it is dangerous the answer is always YES! I have a few props that they can sit on, lean on and help create those poses.

gorgeous children in the box portrait lowestoft family photographer

gorgeous children in the box portrait, lowestoft family photographer

After a little while all of the kiddos were pitching in with their own ideas, coming up with poses and generally having a fabulous time!

As the group was made up of siblings & cousins we made sure to get all the group shots that we needed. I will ask of your family needs before we start and be prepared for me to forget! I get carried away with the process and sometimes need reminding!

gorgeous family siblings cousins in the box portrait lowestoft family photographer

I love the whole process of creating these amazing images but I think my favourite part is delivering them to my families and hearing their feedback. Knowing that these beautiful images are given as gifts to family members makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

"In The Box" Portraits are available all year round and i have many different themes we can talk about... Give me shout if you would like more info.

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